John Deere is leveraging its engineering expertise to vet and test new technologies that simplify the integration of renewable fuels with combustion engine technology as it strives to deliver more value and productivity to customers.
It will have a concept 9.0L engine that is compatible with ethanol on display at this year’s Agritechnica show. This concept engine illustrates the company’s ongoing commitment to developing a diversified portfolio of solutions that can meet power needs across equipment sizes and applications.
Within the variety of available renewable fuels, the company considers biodiesel, renewable diesel (or HVO), and ethanol to be the most promising options for near-term integration into heavy duty applications. Ethanol is an alcohol-based renewable fuel that is widely available in many parts of the world since it can be made from feedstocks such as corn, wheat, or sugar cane. As a high-octane fuel, ethanol is attractive for high performance spark ignited engines.