John Deere has just launched its newly designed web portal, which offers users more connectivity and convenience, enabling them to manage machinery operations remotely from any device connected to the internet.
The newly designed landing page is now able provides an instant overview of equipment, with machine alerts and warranty information including product improvement programmes. There is also quick access to the JDParts catalogue and online ordering, operator’s manuals and a PIN protected page highlighting machine operating details.
John Deere’s approach to connectivity is designed to make the most of machine, field and agronomy data in the decision-making process. This is based around the personalised John Deere Operations Centre, which is accessed through the customer’s web portal.
The John Deere Operations Centre is easy to use anywhere and at any time from any device with internet access, and serves as the central online location for farmers and contractors to connect to their machines, fields and operators. It can also be used to reference both historic field operation information and current data coming off the field, managed under the key headings harvest, seeding, application and tillage.
The latest apps also make it very easy to keep track of machinery, receive alerts on the go, get advice on seed and fertiliser rates or spray requirements and monitor machine productivity by working together with, and being connected to, the dealer, farm adviser and other suppliers.
In addition, machine logistics, efficiency and productivity can be improved by the latest MyOperations app, connected through the customer’s registered account to a machine’s JDLink telematics system. With a suitable in-cab display, the machine’s field operation and documentation data is easily available for analysis via Wireless Data Transfer.
Information available within this free app includes location history, which shows where all logged machines have driven on that day, a wide range of machine measurements including engine utilisation and fuel levels, field maps and productivity data including areas worked, and annual crop summaries. This means farmers and contractors can experience less downtime as well as reduce operating costs, by always knowing where machines are and what they are doing.
Remote Display Access (RDA) is also available within the app to support operators in the field, from either the farm, contractor or dealer office. In addition, MyOperations users can view machine notifications such as geofence and curfew alerts, low fuel, file management plus machine maintenance and diagnostic codes. Users can also edit preferences to receive prioritised alerts and notifications, so that field operations and logistics can be managed more quickly and efficiently.