MTA Studio has developed a HMI display that can be tailor made to meet customer requirements.
MTA Studio is the easiest solution for off-highway OEMs needing customizable off-the-shelf dashboards and displays. This proprietary tool by MTA allows full dashboard/display configuration both in graphics and operating logics using programs written in C/C++, FBD (Functional Block Diagram), and LADDER (Livelihoods and
Diversification Directions Explored by Research). The graphic HMI is WhatYouSeeIsWhatYouGet, allowing the programmer to see the graphics on the PC as they will appear on the dashboard/display, while building the application itself. The software also contains a real-time debugger and a number of libraries with various available functions the customer can choose to integrate, depending on application needs.
The displays and the dashboards have hardware and software architectures that are very similar, but with a range of looks, sizes, numbers of LEDs, inputs and outputs, as well as different screentypes to meet the needs of the off-highway world. The products currently consist in 6 dashboards and 4 displays, all part of a standard range that is always available and constantly expanded. It is noteworthy that 3 displays can be configured not only with MTA Studio, but also with an Android environment for more powerful graphics. The offer is completed by Dyna and Actua, 2 actuator control modules with basic and advanced connectivity respectively.
All these products feature advanced treatments and materials that guarantee high resistance to temperatures and vibrations, as well as an IP66 or IP67 degree of protection. MTA will display these products at Agritechnica, Hanover, 12 -18 November Hall 17 Stand 28
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